Right after college, I got my hair completely chopped off and it was very well received by friends and strangers alike. Granted, it took a few cuts to get the right look, but when I did, it was awesome. I'm a sucker for a compliment - especially about my appearance.
Then I did the terribly predictable thing and grew my hair long when I was dating my husband (even though we met & fell in love when it was short). It was at it's longest when we got married, and like a complete bonehead, I wore it up in curls instead of down & flowy - don't even get me started on my wedding hair regret. Boo hoo.
Anyway, I have cut it short a couple of times since then. For some reason, though (fear of "mom hair"?) I seem to always get the itch to let it grow out, which is a major pain because the in-between stages are not cute. I'm certain that I'll look back at my hair during my pregnancy with Lilah and say "what was I thinking?" but whatever.
It was finally long enough to let my stylist cut it into some sort of cute look and so he did. It's basically long bangs and lots of long layers around the back.
So - I resisted the temptation to chop it all off (this time). I'm really glad that I know I can do the super short hair thing, because I know I will again at some point. Who says "mom hair" can't be cute?
Not bad?! Try SUPER HOT!
Super cute.
Yeah, I have a LOT of "wedding regret". If I ever do it again, I have a WHOLE list of things I'll do different.
I love it!! So cute!!
so pretty!! and i like the hair too :-)
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