Anyway, mornings are a bit rough for me. But I don't mind waking up on Saturdays, knowing that Andrew will be home to help.
We needed to make the most of this particular Saturday morning, because we had 2 parties (one 3-year-old birthday and one celebrating a friend's USA citizenship) and Andrew had a race in Pacific Grove this morning which we girls were not attending.
After a bit too much time spent convincing Sadie that she needed to get dressed, we went out to indulge ourselves with Peet's coffee and pastries. I grabbed a seat with Lilah sound asleep in her car seat and Sadie joined Andrew at the counter to order. They chose banana bread and chocolate cherry bread for us to share. YUM. Andrew got his usual black coffee, Sadie had a hot cocoa with whipped cream and I had a mocha. Did I mention we were indulging? Peet's makes the best mochas, hands down - honestly, I don't know why people even bother with Starbucks.
We had about 30 minutes to chat while Sadie played with her dinosaur and Lilah snoozed. I can't recall a single thing we discussed, but being out with my family (all of us) makes me incredibly happy; I can't explain it. Well, I guess I can. I suppose it's simple pride. I like being out and about with the girls on a day to day basis - grocery shopping, running errands, etc. but something about being with Andrew and the girls fills my silly soul. We are that young family that I used to stare at and wonder, will I ever have that? And now I do. Crazy cool.
When we got home it was time to kick it into gear. I got Sadie set up to color the birthday card, wrapped the gift, packed the diaper bags with red, white & blue outfits for the citizenship party and fed Sadie some lunch. Andrew rearranged Lilah's room to accommodate the crib.
Anyway, before I knew it, it was time to head out. I was thrilled when we pulled up to the birthday party 10 minutes early.
Then I looked in the backseat:
omg! so cute!
Holy crap-o-la those are some cute kiddos!
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