Potty training sucks.
I've been dreading this particular milestone. I've kind of been doing the head-in-the-sand thing, hoping she'd somehow just "get it" and knock it out of the park from the get go.
Sadie has been slightly ahead of the game with regard to lots of other developmental things, but come on. Who was I kidding?
I didn't buy a bunch of books or do hours of online research. All I did was purchase a little potty for her and start talking about it whenever I changed her diaper - something along the lines of "you know, someday you won't need diapers anymore...when you're ready, you can tell me or Daddy and we'll help you go on the potty," etc.
The ironic part about this is that Sadie decided out of the blue about a month ago that she wanted to stop wearing diapers (atypical for a toddler with a new sibling) and she is actually doing really well with it so far. I'd say she's about 95% potty trained for going pee, and somewhere around 60%-70% with poo. She seems to have a hang up about going #2 in the potty and it's driving. Me. CRAZY.
For some reason, she doesn't seem to be the slightest bit upset by going in her training pants or underwear. I thought a few accidents in her pants would serve as super duper motivation. That, and the shower of praise she gets from us when she goes in the potty. Maybe I'm just impatient.
I know I'm supposed to be nothing but supportive/positive about successes (no problem) and nonchalant about accidents (not nearly as easy) but I'm telling you, this is the biggest bummer I've encountered in parenting so far.
Miraculously, Sadie doesn't seem to be picking up on my angst. In fact, her last two poo accidents she "cleaned up herself" - which is lovely if all I was going for was independence, but actually really really not cool, as it results in frantic rubber-gloved scrubbing and copious use of Lysol by yours truly.
I know we're getting there. We're actually really close. I guess I just needed to vent on this one today.
dude I am dreading this, too! We've had a potty seat for like, ever, it seems, and Avi is pretty disinterested at this point . . . but he's a boy, he's not even 2.5, so . .. we wait. And change lotsa diapers! Hang in there! xoxo
T3, at 5, is finally, totally almost independent. i polled my friends and most say that until 5 or 6, they can seem to get themselves properly wiped without help. and yes, it is a pain... but it too shall pass as a milestone for both mama & child. i remember trying to get T3 potty trained when tai was just born. she would want my attention and say she needed to go potty right when i started nursing. coincidence? not. i got so angry once, i told her to just pee in her diaper. yeah, got big mommy points that day! :-)
Honestly, I completely don't agree that we need to be "nonchalant" about misses. It's not socially acceptable to poop your pants, right? We aren't nice about when our kids smack someone in the face, why do we have to be nice about them pooping their pants? That sounds much meaner than I intend but you get my drift, right?
I was BLESSED with my first, and she potty trained in a weekend, but honestly with #2 (who was a boy) we resorted to being...well....negative about it. It's not ok to poop your pants if you can make it to the potty, yo!!!
But try not to stress about it..........she probably will just flip a switch one day and want to poop in the potty. That coming last is normal. :)
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