I used to listen to NPR all of the time in the car, but nowadays I default to the classical station.
Today, I finally tuned in while driving and they had an interesting topic on Talk of the Nation. It was an interview with a man who has a book out about how people can "click" upon meeting one another. I have definitely had that experience with several of my long time friends, and the conversations piqued my interest. As always, they were asking for callers to share their own experiences, so I called in and actually got selected to be on the air!
If you have time to listen to the whole 30 minute segment, it's pretty good. I particularly liked Gary's comments from 20:34 through 23:18.
I come on at the very end of the segment - 26:55 and I got nervous, so I'm talking way too fast and adding unnecessary details, but oh well.
Here's the wedding day crack-up photo that I referenced at the very end.

I watch Ellen Degeneres sometimes and my favorite moments of her show are when she starts laughing. She likes scaring/startling people (which I am actually not a fan of) and this is a funny montage of those moments.
I could watch my Friends DVD bloopers 100x in a row and not get sick of watching those actors bust up over missed lines, etc. This is one of my all time favorite YouTube videos, for obvious reasons. You get the point.
I totally believe that laughter is greatly beneficial to life in general, but for me - it is also the glue that holds many friendships tightly together. I have some friends that I have had laughs with over the years that we still reminisce about (and often start laughing again). I have a couple of friends who swear that they laugh harder with me than with anyone else they know. Love that.
"The most wasted of all days is one without laughter."
e.e. cummings
I wish you great enjoyment in your next laugh.
Oh wow J9....I am literally crying from laughing so hard at all those links. Thank you SO SO much for posting this...I really needed a good laugh.
laughing is so good!
Great photo - i want to look at the links later... You are so fun...
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