Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hair woes

I am literally counting the hours until my haircut this weekend. It's been over 2 months since my last cut and I've had a run of bad hair days lately that are bringing me down!
Since I'm not trendy or stylish with clothing, jewelry, or makeup, my hair is my default accessory. I know it's completely vain and ridiculous but if I like how my hair looks when I head out the door in the morning, I have a much better chance of enjoying my day. Lately I've been relying on hats and lipgloss way too much to save me from despair. The final straw was having a hard time falling asleep a couple of nights ago because I was thinking about how much I wish I'd worn my (then long) hair down on my wedding day. If only I were kidding.

I have short hair.

With short hair, you essentially have a new look every 3 weeks or so, because a mere half an inch of growth completely changes the way it lays, responds to product, etc. What's more, with my hair I've learned that it handles best when it is colored as well because that changes the texture and gives my fine hair a little body. But I simply can't justify expensive haircut/colors every month. In my experience, short haircuts on women require a very good stylist who knows what he/she is doing - and the good ones aren't cheap.


This is why I let my hair get long again after my first few years of having it short. I do like my hair short - once I got over the fear most women have of cutting their hair (I swear it must be some primal connection to when we were dragged into caves or something) I was very happy with the results. Granted, my inspiration to chop it came from a couple of friends of mine in college who looked absolutely amazing with their hair short. Honestly - I wanted to be brave, bold and beautiful so badly that I went to their very scary, Harley-driving, sleeve-tattooed, septum-pierced, built-like-a-bull-dog, butch lesbian hairdresser and gave her carte blanche to transform me! At least I had guts, right?

So yesterday I called my new stylist (this will be cut #4 with him and I do believe I'm in a committed relationship) and got an appointment.
I'm actually at that annoying point where I'm thinking "hmmm...maybe he can help me transition back into a style that I can grow long again." Bad idea, Janine. I think some of my worst hair months were during the in-between times while I was going from short to long. Somewhere around chin length is just a nightmare for me.

Anyway, then I scoured the web for inspiration. Here are a bunch of haircuts that I like. (yes, I'm aware that these are models and there is great likelihood that some dude in skinny jeans carefully pulled every strand of their hair into place for these photos). At this point I really have no idea what I'll end up with on Saturday, but no matter what, it will be better than the shaggy mess I'm currently sporting.

And you know what kills me? I can guarantee without a shred of doubt that on Saturday, I'll be having a good hair day. It happens every time - the day of my haircut, the stars align and it looks great. It would be funny if it weren't infuriating.


Anonymous said...

I am in love with that Michelle Williams look on her, and now that it's growing out, she still manages to have a good look. From your photos, I think you have cute hair.

And......just say it. I'm a bitch. I know it. :P

blackfoot said...

my votes: 5, 7, 8, 9 (left to right)

blackfoot said...

wish i could pull off short hair. i would buzz this mess in a minute.

Nay-Nay said...

Oh my god, you oculd have been speaking the exact thoughts that go through my head!!! My hairdresser here still cracks up at how excited i am on haircut day. I LOVE HAIR CUTS! Go short hair!!!

YF said...

excellent post, read my mind. but i am writing from horrid chin phase now. miserable. and since i chopped all my hair in an hormonal rage i have regretted it and just have to ride it out. too short for pony - too long to be cut short cut - too dry to look pretty in celeb-bob style. looking forward to seeing your cut, maybe it will inspire me... xoxo C

Melissa said...

when do we get to see photos of the new do?