Tuesday, December 9, 2008

First haircut...by Mom and Dad.

Sadie's hair is lovely. It's blonde, soft, and seems to have a little curl coming in at the bottom. But it's getting pretty messy and it's been in her eyes a lot lately.

I have friends whose toddlers' hair goes up in little pigtails, so I tried that.

Kinda cute, but when her hair is this length,
pigtails are a pain for me and for her!

We've been using cute little clips, but she gets obsessed with
taking them off and putting them back on again.

I'm not interested in the whole "surfer baby" or "hippy child" look for her. I'm also not interested in allowing the first haircut to become some sort of traumatic event for her. So, instead of making a huge production out of it, I decided to buy some shears, watch a couple of YouTube videos about toddler haircuts, and just go for it. I figured that it's like most other things we've learned with Sadie's life adventure so far:
the sooner she is exposed to something
and with the least amount of fanfare, the more readily she accepts it.
No fuss, no muss. Right?
Well, almost.

Here are the action shots:

She actually did get a little bit weepy, which surprised both of us.

Nothing a good snuggle couldn't fix, though.

(yes, we both agree that she looks like a boy in this shot - bad angle)

I was grateful for Andrew's assistance - I think mostly because
if it turned out horribly, I wouldn't be the only one to blame!
We think it looks okay.
But I think I need to work on my technique before next time.


YF said...

You are so brave! She couldn't ever be cuter. Fi hasn't had one yet... and now I am even more afraid. It probably will be a big deal... Oh, btw, the beach was the half moon bay state beach - it is fun!

Bettina Fernandez said...

I agree, you are very brave! I don't think I will ever cut Sofia's hair, simply because I've been traumatized my having my hair cut by my mom...granted, she did a miserable job, unlike you, by ALWAYS cutting my bangs WAY too short! It will be a while until I take Sofia to get her hair cut, just because, she's finally got some hair! Haha. Anyway, great job!

Mother Superior said...

good for you!

Mother Superior said...

i always cut trinhity's hair... of course, she didn't have hair until recently but we've had about a half dozen haircuts. tip on the bangs from my hairdresser: gather up the bangs and twist all the hair together and then cut (did that make sense?).. it keeps the bangs from looking too goofy & so much easier to do bang trim for the little ones.