Sadie seems to really like this giant chess set at Santana Row in San Jose.
Today was the second time we've been there and she got right into it - moving the pieces around, etc. (the last time we had to steer clear of some older boys who were kicking the pieces all over the place and generally wreaking havoc - nice, eh?)
I don't like to hang out here normally, because while it is lovely, it's uber-trendy and just kind of ridiculous (I mean, the list of shops reads like Rodeo Drive) The people there on average are...well...the kind of people who let their kids kick chess pieces all over the place! However, there are a few stores that I like there including H&M, so I make the rounds every once in a while.
Anyway, Sadie had a ball for a good 20 minutes at this chess set while I chatted with a very friendly Chinese woman whose 2 kids were also in the mix. People stopped to watch the kids tottering around and there were a particularly funny few moments when Sadie started following a very snappily dressed little girl (pink & brown houndstooth toe-up, including a little beret). Sadie kept signing "hat" and even tried to take it off at one point! Here she is going for the grab:
Thankfully, she listened and obeyed when I told her not to take it.
By the way, if anyone wants to volunteer to teach Sadie how to play chess someday, have at it. I certainly don't have the patience for it. Just ask my friend Fabio who tried to teach me in college. I think one of the only times I found him speechless was when I cleared the board with a single sweep of my arm. Hey - I'm the first to admit that I don't like learning new things if I'm not able to be really good at them right away. I blame my intelligent, athletic and competitive family tree!
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