Sadie was pretending to be an otter today and wanted fish for a snack. Since the only fish I had in the house were A) frozen and B) in the form of oil usually taken at breakfast time, she opted for my offer to make "pretend" fish.
What can I say? Inspiration struck.
The ingredients are: multi grain sandwich flatbreads cut to shape, seaweed strips cut into "scales" and attached with hummus, a pea for the eye and a green bean for the mouth. Oh, and apple slices for waves. Ha!
I don't know if I'll be doing anything even remotely similar anytime soon and it certainly doesn't meet these standards:

but I had to snap a picture for posterity.
What do you say, do I get an A for creativity?
She had her first visit to the dentist last week and passed with flying colors. No cavities, was perfectly cooperative and loves her new toothbrush and princess floss. She chose a "diamond" ring from the treasure box after her cleaning.

And now some Lilah business:
This girl is ready to GO!
She has been fascinated with my keys lately, and not just to chew on. She takes them to the door and tries to actually use them.

She never sits still. Never.
rocking out in her high chairShe is in love with Sadie's motorcycle toy and wants to ride it all of the time. (it took Sadie over a year to warm up to it and now she's basically too big for it. Score for little sis!)

Here she is a couple of weeks ago on it.

And the big news - Lilah
started walking for real today (i.e. not reverting to a crawl after taking 3 steps and plopping down) and it is pretty damn cute if I do say so myself. She sort of stomps and side-steps along, expecting to fall at any second with an awesome combination of delight and exhilaration on her face. She usually has her mouth wide open in an ecstatic grin. She's definitely our little dare devil, our tough cookie. She has so much energy and determination. It's clear that she's very proud of herself and very excited to have made this development. FUN!