Saturday, September 18, 2010

When in Rome...

Here we are going with the flow recently...

In the land of All Things Disney Princess (aka Sadie's cousins' house), there's no way to avoid this:
(But you won't catch me buying tickets to Disneyland anytime soon. Or ever.)

Lilah catches naps whenever and wherever she can:
(because that's when you do when you're 5 months old and you find yourself in the dappled light of a tall tree on an absolutely perfect pre-Autumn day)

And sometimes, after a night when your toddler wakes you up 6 times between 10 PM and 3 AM, never telling you what's wrong and ends up throwing up all over the place, and you find yourself scrubbing the carpet for half an hour in the middle of the night - you let said toddler wear her jammies to your very important appointment at the junkyard in the morning and then even more important appointment at Peet's.
(and you let her have hot chocolate with whipped cream)

And when your equally bleary-eyed wife pulls out the camera to snap a picture of her 3 favorite subjects, you oblige. And even smile a little.
What's that saying? "Fake it 'til you make it"? Yeah, that's the one.


Katie Von Till said...

Don't knock the Disney, yo. That mouse has paid some serious bills for me ;-)

YF said...

Love this post, especially the last lines! Too funny. Sorry I am just catching up... Missed a bunch!