Tuesday, September 14, 2010

if I could have tipped him...

Today with my toddler jabbering away in a cart full of groceries and my babe snug at my chest in my Ergo carrier, I lingered in the wine aisle of Trader Joe's.
Then I heard the voice of my favorite male employee there behind me say, "Sure hope you brought your ID with you, kiddo!"

Oh, Patrick...you know how to make a gal feel good.

In my *ahem* somewhat new life as "Ma'am", "Mrs." and even "Hey, lady!" - the insinuation that I might get carded for alcohol was indeed a compliment. I'll take 'em where I can get 'em.
In addition to Andrew making my coffee & helping me strap the girls into their carseats this morning, it pretty much made my day.

Although while typing this, it occurs to me that A) that's kind of sad and B) he might have been talking to Sadie...(?)

Oh well. I'll take those twenty seconds of feeling cute enough to warrant a comment like that.

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