Friday, August 20, 2010

Whip 'em Out!

In honor of National Breastfeeding Month (who knew there was such a thing?!) I am re-posting this video that several friends and acquaintances have shared with me in the past few days.

I know that there are some women who cannot breast feed, and I am sorry about that. I also know that there are women who choose not to, and while I find that sad, I maintain that it's the mother's prerogative to make that choice. I'm all for encouragement, education and support, but women should not be shamed into it, nor made to feel like they are a "bad" mom if they don't want to.
Personally, I adore breastfeeding. There is simply nothing like it. Sadie nursed for almost 20 months and I'm hoping Lilah will, too. I think my favorite thing that both of them did was look up at me and smile while nursing. Amazing.


YF said...

I dig it baby! My knockers are still in some use... and everyone within a 20 mile radius has seen em :-)

Mother Superior said...

funny. i've been lactating for 5 years. five. i had a break during my 3rd trimester when my body stopped producing. i think i make heroine. my kids are ADDICTED to the stuff. Trinh still tells everyone she loves mama's milk it's sweet but mostly embarrassing when she shares this with strangers or at family reunions. yeah. i've nursed everywhere. i've even flashed the folks attending the 12:30 late service at church. nice. i keep trying to wean tai but he gets really, really mean.... like i said, i make heroine. :-)

Melissa said...

love this!! thanks for posting.