She's here!
Lilah Frances Evans joined us at 4:43 on Friday April 9th, 2010 (although she wasn't named until Sunday morning). She was a full 12 days past her "due date". Maybe we should have named her Patience. ;)
She weighed in at a modest 7 pounds and 13 ounces and was measured at 19 and a half inches.
It was another marathon labor and delivery. Who says second babies come faster? I was up at 5 am on Thursday with irregular but intense contractions which continued throughout the day and into the evening. We put Sadie to bed at about 8:30 and decided to commit to getting labor going in earnest.
Boy howdy.
Long story short, I labored at home with Andrew and our FABULOUS friend and doula extraordinaire, Kerri Kastle until about 3 AM. Unfortunately, I was struggling. I was shaking, having hot & cold spells, and vomiting after particularly long/hard contractions. Off to the hospital we went.
I was stoked to learn that I was at 6cm once we were all checked in and assigned a room. By 8:00 am, I was at 8.5 cm and ready to meet this baby.
Apparently my womb is a pretty chill place, because Bun did not want to come out. We finally allowed a Pitocin drip, which kicked my contractions up a few notches (I don't want to talk about it) but the baby still was not "coming down". Eventually someone had the genius idea to break my water, which put me into overdrive and she literally shot out in 2 pushes. It was INSANE. But I survived. ( I'm not gonna lie; those last few minutes there, I kinda thought I might die.)
So there you have it. There are more details, etc. but I needed to post something before more time slips by.
We are hunkering down and trying to figure out this family of 4 thing. Big Sister Sadie is amazingly sweet and excited about Lilah, and the little one is sleeping and eating like a complete champ.
We are blessed and we know it.
more pictures at
Yeah to you, Janine! I'm so excited for all 4 of you! Love love love...
I am so excited for your beautiful family! You are amazing! Keep it going mama and keep posting! xoxo!
So happy for you and your family. Love the name Lilah! Can't wait to hear more . . .
YIPPPPEEEEE!!! You go girl! I am so excited to meet her, she is beautiful, and you DID IT! Dang, I am impressed. Congrats a million. We were out of town, sorry to be late on the congrats. xoxoxo
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