Friday, January 8, 2010

double diss

Sadie just got SO dissed by her little 5 year old neighbor friend.
It started out perfectly - a soft knock on the door just as Sadie was waking up from her nap, K's sweet face asking if Sadie could play. Sadie was delighted to wake up to a playmate and was immediately all smiles and giggles.
The two of them got into a few of Sadie's toys and then K asked if they could do Play-Doh. So I set them up in the kitchen and started prepping for dinner while they smushed and rolled and poked at the colorful blobs I had set in front of them.
Sadie adores this little girl, but rarely interacts with her, as there are 3 other older kids in our complex who often pull K's focus. They all race around on their bikes and razor scooters while Sadie watches and plays with her chalk or hula hoop.
Sure enough, a few minutes into Play-Doh time, M, one of the older girls (mind you she's only 8) knocked on our door and asked if K could come out to play.
(you've gotta love the audacity of small children)
I said, "Well, K is here playing with Sadie right now, but you're welcome to come and join them, if you'd like." She mumbled something about not wanting to, and K jumped out of her seat to go with the older, clearly more appealing M. I said to K, "do you want to stay and play with Sadie?" and she said "no, I want to go outside because I'm bored."
Thank God Sadie is still too young to understand well enough to get her feelings hurt, but I was stung. I'd better grow some thicker skin if I think I'm going to survive the grade school and middle school and *gulp* high school years, watching my sweet girl navigate through the perilous ups and downs of girlhood.
Serious dread.

1 comment:

YF said...

oh yeah it hurts - it is like reliving all the pain of my own youth having a little girl who has also been dissed many times by the older girls in the hood. i will have to tell you about our sleepover story sometime.