I know, random. But these are the things that have dominated the last week of our lives. Here we go:
I am not a shopper. I did not get that gene. I only shop when I absolutely have to find something for an upcoming event, and as everyone knows, that's the worst time to do it. It's usually much better to shop casually when you don't need anything. (am I right, ladies?)
Last week I asked my mom to take Sadie for several hours so that I could make a focused attempt to find a dress for a wedding we are attending in July. I can't go for more than 30 minutes or so with Sadie, because I end up fishing her out of the clothes racks and having mini panic-attacks when I can't find her for more than 10 or 15 seconds. So I dropped her off with Grandma and headed to Nordstrom. Having worked there made me a devoted fan. You just can't beat the service and the return policy puts me at ease to take several things home for second and third opinions from Andrew, my sisters, etc.
Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised to find several dresses that I liked and didn't break the bank. I brought them home and have since narrowed it down to two contenders. I bought two more from the online store and will make a final decision soon.

Here's one of the contenders:
(you'll either love it or hate it)
Road Rash
Ouch. Andrew took a nasty spill off of his bike last week. You know it's not good when your husband starts the conversation with "don't panic, but...." He needed me to go get some special bandages from the drugstore to properly patch him up. Right shoulder/bicep, right hip/upper thigh, and ankle bone. OUCH. I now know for certain I wouldn't make it as a nurse. :( Don't get me wrong - we did a pretty good job together with some weird wet/sticky hydro-healing gel pad things and lots of gauze pads and tape, but it was definitely an amateur success (aka hack-job). After a pretty miserable night's sleep, he decided it was worth going to the Urgent Care facility downtown. (hallelujah!) He is so glad he did. The doc patched him up with some trick 3M clear, thin, waterproof pads. Much better, but about 36 hours later they needed some drainage-type attention and I couldn't deal with it at all. (like I said...so not cut out for nursing or medicine. bummer.) He's on day 4 of healing and even rode his bike to work today. Sigh. Men. ;)
Father's Day
Somehow we managed to assemble the entire family at my folks' house last night for a great Father's/Grandfather's Day dinner. Sunday Night Dinners are a standard in our family and have been for as long as I can remember, but we don't end up seeing my bro, sis-in-law and their girls for that weekly tradition much anymore. So it was awesome to be all together. Sadie loves being around her cousins. Big time. Everyone pitched in and we had quite the summer feast of BBQ, corn, fruit, salad and the suprise hit of the night - a fresh ollalieberry pie.
Andrew's gift was a big photo album filled with pictures of just him and Sadie from birth til now. I told him we'll add more each year until it's full. I made sure to give this to him in the morning at home so that he could have his emotional response in private. :)
I also found the most perfectly worded card and gave that to him right before we went to sleep for the night. I like spacing things out like that. It makes the whole day last a little longer somehow.
So there. You're all caught up. Exciting, eh?
1 comment:
great post J9
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