Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The family that's silly together...

Sadie started this the other night when we went out for pizza with her cousins. I couldn't get those girls to stand still and smile for a picture, but our little ham was in full swing, so I snapped away.

Looking at these photos, I wonder why I ever claimed to have blue eyes. Andrew and Sadie have the market on that!

*hint to Nana, etc. - you can click on the photos to see them much, much larger.


Anonymous said...

I forgot to tell BA is in theatre too. :)

Nay-Nay said...

I think these are better than any posed family picture you could possibly take. These should be framed and on the wall! Awesome.

YF said...

so cute... is it just me or does andrew look like the one that should be in theater - Ham on Rye.

Anonymous said...

email me at so I can invite you to my blog. :)