Tonight was a special reminder to me about what "Family" means.
My in-laws hosted a lovely afternoon and evening gathering with some relatives who had not yet met Sadie and it was truly delightlful.
In attendance were my father-in-law's sister Betsey and her husband Kent - who besides Andrew's Aunt Debbie (our officiant) were the only East Coast relatives to attend our wedding and, I am happy to report, are frequent readers of my little blog. (yay!)
Their oldest and youngest children (Andrew's cousins) Heidi and Squire were here today as well. Heidi and her husband Rich have 3 children. Sadie was enamored with their boys, Brad and Jonathan. Brad is 12 and Jonathon is exactly 6 years older than she - they are birthday buddies! I was proud of how well she took to her second cousins and have high hopes that in the future they will have some sort of relationship. Who knows how it may manifest, but tonight, Sadie was happy to follow around young, handsome Brad and sweet little Mr. Jonathon.
This pleased me in a lot of ways, and it allowed me to engage Miss Alex in a bit of conversation. I struggle a little to remember what it was like to be 15 and a sophomore in high school, and perhaps I'm kidding myself to think that she and I had a couple of good exchanges. She plays cello (very cool) with her school orchestra and has an upcoming trip to DisneyWorld where she'll get to record a movie soundtrack. She also is a texting fiend (like yours truly) and has chosen Photography as an elective course in her curriculum, which she likes very much. She has a general sweet smirk about her that reassures me that she is doing just fine. I hope she knows that her "mom's-cousin's-wife-in-California" is forever a friend, confidant and source of whatever she needs. It might be a coincidence, but I have certainly felt a developing sense of connection to this family ever since I announced that I was adding to it 2 years ago. :) I remember distinctly Heidi and her sister-in-law Susie sitting with me in December of 2006 excitedly discussing pregnancy, baby names, and the like. Priceless.
It was great to catch up with Aunt Bestey & Uncle Kent, whom I see once a year if I'm lucky. I had a good chat with Betsey about the 2008 election and what might unfold with the new administration, as well as some exciting tidbits from her recent experience at a National Bridge Tournament in Boston. She is a gem of a lady and I find myself gazing at her with a specific kind of awe that I can't quite place.
Heidi and I exchanged birth stories and some mutual feelings of reverance and gratitude about full-time motherhood. I can't describe how it feels to share that with someone who has 3 children and who is a member of my family by marriage. It's sacred. I absolutley welcome any and all wisdom, advice, input, etc. that can be shared. Why not? I can pick and choose as I see fit, but I find great value in the musings of those who have gone before me, especially Family.
At the same time I am left wondering how my primary family is doing. My sister Joanne had a couple of glorious days snowboarding in Tahoe, but has to be at her desk tomorrow at a job she doesn't love. My sister Jill has likely already been back hard at work for several day as a Speech Therapist at Valley Medical Center. My brother, his wife and their girls had a delayed Christmas trip to Seattle which I hope went well.
As time rambles on, I think about what Family means. I think we are in a constant state of creating it, manifesting it, and trying to help it flourish. It doesn't come as effortlessly as it should. It's time spent, effort put forth, etc. But the rewards are without measure. That my daughter knows who Grandma, Grandpa, Nana, Papa, Jill, JoJo, Uncle John, Aunt Shannon, Lucy, Annie, GG, and Uncle Justin are is wonderful and so very special to me. The fact that I'm up here typing in my in-law's computer room while Sadie is playing happily downstairs is gratifying in a way I can't adequately articulate.
I can't help but drum up lots of memories of my folks and siblings over the years. I was so well cared for. So loved. So cherished. I hope to carry the same sincerity to my new family.
I am so blessed.