Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween and art

our Halloween card photo shoot:
Lilah got some very cute jammies:
We dressed up for a little walk-about downtown on the 29th:
(they are little mermaids - a huge thanks to my mom for helping me sew the hardest parts of Lilah's homemade hack-job of a costume!)
then we glammed it up a bit for a party:
(I'm a Sea Queen, of course!)

on the 31st I carved Sadie's Jack-o-lantern designs:
(wasn't easy but totally worth it)
and Andrew took the girls Trick-or-Treating:
In other news, Sadie's art skills have taken a very fun turn. She's gone from scribbles and pictures:
to lists and "writing":
to some really interesting and happy looking creatures:

1 comment:

Melissa said...

i love Sadie's art! and you are a beautiful sea queen--your girls are too adorable.

let's definitely plan a date when we get back from Israel--after Thanksgiving we'll pick a Monday and make it happen, lady!