I've been extra busy lately and haven't been writing. This is why:

He broke it while mountain biking on Friday 9/16 and had surgery to put in a plate & screws and wires on Monday 9/26.
I'm so very thankful that his friend and pro biker Thomas was with him (and gallantly carried both of their bikes out of the woods to the road, hitchhiked a ride back to their car and took him straight to the nearby fire station for help).
I'm impressed by and grateful for the intense work the ER team did to get it put back together and splinted that night. (also so thankful they medicated him properly for the worst part of that)
I'm indebted to my brother who jumped in his car and came over to stay with the girls while I went to go get my poor guy.
The recovery from surgery has been arduous. Getting the pain managed the first night was a failure. It made me mad. Really mad. No one person or one thing to blame it on; it was sort of a perfect storm of bad timing. He gets his splint and bandages off soon and will have a wrist cast or brace of some sort for 4-6 weeks.
He's basically going batty with lack of sleep, no exercise and the lingering frustration that it happened in the first place. He's been watching lots of motorcycle racing and doing some coding, but he's generally pretty miserable.
In happier news, we had our 5th wedding anniversary on Friday 9/30. Understandably, Andrew didn't really feel like celebrating ("I can't even cut my own food!") but I found us a fabulous new babysitter and we ended up having a really nice time out. So what if I had to button his jeans for him?
With marriages in our peer group already broken or splitting at the seams all around us, I take pride in the fact that we are still going strong.
And I love to have a day to remember moments like these:

and this:
(Honeymoon)And although I'm run a little ragged these days, I still can't really get enough of these two:

That's it for now!