Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Heart Day!

Lilah love:
Sadie made a Valentine for us at school:
a super cute shirt came in the mail from Nana:
Old School x2: Sadie's onesie from 3 years ago (thanks again, Aunt Shannon!)
and a shout out to the days of passing binder paper notes:
another Valentine outfit:
we made cookies at Aunt Jill's:
Happiness is:
and last but not least, here is video of the girls enjoying the musical cards
that Nana's sister, the wonderful Great Aunt Marilyn sends from Ohio:
Sadie and Lilah with musical cards


Unknown said...

Seriously adorable...thanks for the fun V-day fun. Such sweeties you have! and aren't you proud of me, I'm actually taking time to read your blog (yes I am an awful friend - but I'll try to be better this year!) xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Happy Hearts Day!!!