Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Catch Up

Okay, now that little Ruby is home-sweet-home in Montana, I can refocus. (I was *really* preoccupied with that little one's situation!)

Thanksgiving in MA was wonderful. I am one of those rare, lucky individuals whose got mutual adoration with the in-laws going on. Seriously. Lucky. We stayed for 8 nights and really enjoyed ourselves the whole time.
Nana had art projects for Sadie:

Uncle Justin and Daddy got to reminisce with 30+ year old toys (Legos, Matchbox cars and marbles):

Sadie fell in love with a bunch of her second cousins:

We even got to see some sheep at Nana and Papa's friends' house:

We returned on December 1st and had to kick it into high gear for Christmas prep. We have a cute little tree which Sadie adores:

We've introduced the whole "Santa" thing as well as the concept of Baby Jesus. Funny story - my mom was with me when I had a chance to talk to Sadie about Christmas being Baby Jesus' birthday. I said something like "his mama is Mary, and she had a little boy." Sadie just looked at me and then cocked her head to the side and said, "No, mama. Mary had a little lamb."

She's loving the lights, decorations, trees, music, etc. this year. It's fun to watch. This will be a memorable holiday for us with her.


blackfoot said...

mary had a little lamb! priceless.

how neat to have a blog to look back at years from now when these sort of things are forgotten!

Bettina Fernandez said...

Ahahaha! You know, I thought the same thing "Mary had a little lamb." Of course! So precious.