Thursday, November 12, 2009

where's my baby belly?

um....yeah. I'm over 5 months pregnant now and I still only have my little, mushy post Sadie belly that I lovingly refer to as my "buddha".
I'm one of those women who loved being pregnant and looked forward to doing it again. I was thrilled to continually hear the conventional wisdom that "you pop out immediately when you get pregnant a second time". I couldn't wait.
I even went and bought one of those dippy shirts that says "expecting". I'm glad there weren't any "I'm not fat. I'm pregnant." ones (which I have always detested) because I can't be totally sure that wouldn't have bought one of those, too!
I know, I know - I'm saving lots of money on maternity clothes and I should enjoying this time and be glad that I'm not enormous and uncomfortable, blah blah.
But I want my baby belly! I want it. There, that's all.
Okay, I'm done whining.


Mother Superior said...

OMG!! i am so jealous!! :-P i was *HUGE* with my second. i looked 7 mos preggers at 3 mos when i was carrying taison. [sigh] battle scars! glad your little one is being nice to mommy's body!

Melissa said...

dude, i think i am a little behind you (due May 19) and I am so freaking enormous that people always think I'm way more preg than I am. But I know what you mean . . .

Gillian said...

the grass is always greener, homegirl! i'm with melis on the big girl side of the coin. and it's not just the belly!!

thanks for your sweet comment on my post. thinking of you.