Aaaaaaaah. I needed that.
While in MA over Christmas, it came to my attention that a dear friend of mine from college (Anne Marie, with whom I am in very limited contact, but that's a whole 'nother story) was going to be starring in a play in her hometown of Phoenix, AZ. It sounded like a really great script.
Since we'd just been rewarded with travel vouchers from Southwest Airlines due to an unexpected and lengthy delay on our trip East, my wheels had already been spinning and trying to hatch a plan for a "mom getaway" for myself.
I contacted the most likely candidate to join me in this adventure,
my best friend from college, and plans were set in motion. I kind of didn't want to get my hopes up, but everything came together just perfectly and we had a blast. Bill drove out early Saturday morning from L.A. to meet my plane and we drove straight to another alum/friend's house in nearby Chandler (Monica). We relaxed, talked and snacked for a couple of hours, went to a
great dinner, and headed to the
theater. The show was excellent and my friend knocked it out of the park, as expected. She's a powerhouse on stage and always a joy to watch.
To our delight, we learned that yet another college pal (Kevin) was in town visiting his kids and was seeing the show as well, so we all gathered at the stage door and surprised Anne Marie. That was my favorite part - I'm a sucker for surprises, both getting and giving. We got a backstage tour and actually got to go onstage too, which was very cool and practically made me swoon with inspiration and the itch to act again as soon as possible.
Then we headed to the cast's favorite bar and did the best we could to catch up on each other's lives over more munchies and drinks. These are people I spent countless hours and many late nights with during our years in the theater department at school. Laughter, tears, the works.
It was definitely bittersweet because we all know that getting together is becoming an increasingly rare luxury as time passes and our individual lives unfold in all their crazy variety.
We said goodnight and met for brunch in the morning to try to squeeze in a little more time together. Before I knew it, Bill was dropping me off at the curb at the airport. It was a total whirlwind but definitely worth it.
I could kick myself for not taking more pictures, but here's what I've got.
Everybody at the bar post show:

Kevin and me:

the next morning at brunch:

me, AM, Monica

me, Bill, AM

me & AM
Oh, and I thought this was funny:

booze & breastmilk
(no one partook of the Bailey's or the Jager - that's just what was in the fridge when I opened it)