Monday, February 1, 2010

Sadie's Half Birthday me.

Today is Sadie's half-birthday.
She surprised me by softly calling "Mama?" at 6:55 AM - a good 2 hours earlier than her normal wake-up time. I went in to her room, admittedly hoping that I'd be able to adjust her blanket and tell her it was still night time, despite the dawn light. She had other plans. She asked, "can we have a little snuggle?" so off to the couch we went.
I tried to position myself as comfortably as possible, which was tricky - how do you get cozy with with a toddler splayed out on an 8-month-pregnant belly?

We managed.

We even both fell asleep for a little while.

Two and a half.
In so many ways, she seems older than that. She's always been tall, but recently it seems that she's maturing at an astounding pace. She has so much to say, such thoughtful observations, a keen interest in new vocabulary, a great deal of empathy, and what appears to be a genuine interest in what life has to offer. She has dropped her afternoon nap, but we are still doing "quiet time", which usually amounts to a couple of hours worth of her happily chirping away with her stuffed animals in her crib.
We know that when Bun arrives, Sadie is going to look and seem like a giant!
But holding her relaxed, sleeping body across mine this morning allowed me to savor these precious few days I have left with her as my "baby".