Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Our Christmas Card Photo:
Perfectly Content with a Hula Hoop and a Tea Set from Santa:

Our Little Elf Sadie Looking Quite Grown Up:

Super Cheesy Mama & Sadie Smushed Faces Happy Picture:

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Light a candle.

On December 19, 2007, Jennifer and Graham Gibbs Bankston tragically passed away.
Jenny suffered silently with postpartum depression but her symptoms could have been detected and treated. Jenny's Light was created by her family to be a source of information, hope and inspiration. We strive to stop this type of tragedy from happening to others. The mission of Jenny's Light is to improve and save lives by increasing awareness of all perinatal mood disorders including postpartum depression.

Light a candle.
Hug your loved ones.
Call a friend you're thinking about.

If you know any new mothers, ask them how they are doing.
Really ask. And then listen.
Offer and give a little support if you can. Perhaps you can spare an hour to sit with the baby so that mom can take a shower or a nap. Bring a meal? Do an errand for her? Even a small gesture could make a huge difference.
Especially this time of year.

Rest in peace, Jenny and Graham. You're in my thoughts.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Catch Up

Okay, now that little Ruby is home-sweet-home in Montana, I can refocus. (I was *really* preoccupied with that little one's situation!)

Thanksgiving in MA was wonderful. I am one of those rare, lucky individuals whose got mutual adoration with the in-laws going on. Seriously. Lucky. We stayed for 8 nights and really enjoyed ourselves the whole time.
Nana had art projects for Sadie:

Uncle Justin and Daddy got to reminisce with 30+ year old toys (Legos, Matchbox cars and marbles):

Sadie fell in love with a bunch of her second cousins:

We even got to see some sheep at Nana and Papa's friends' house:

We returned on December 1st and had to kick it into high gear for Christmas prep. We have a cute little tree which Sadie adores:

We've introduced the whole "Santa" thing as well as the concept of Baby Jesus. Funny story - my mom was with me when I had a chance to talk to Sadie about Christmas being Baby Jesus' birthday. I said something like "his mama is Mary, and she had a little boy." Sadie just looked at me and then cocked her head to the side and said, "No, mama. Mary had a little lamb."

She's loving the lights, decorations, trees, music, etc. this year. It's fun to watch. This will be a memorable holiday for us with her.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


I sat down to update my blog (I've neglected it so!) this morning but got sidetracked catching up on a few of my favorite blogs that I read.
Turns out one of the gals in Montana that I follow has been going through hell with her new baby. I'm feeling for her and her family big time.
So, I'll have to attempt an update later.